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The Dental Practice Heroes Podcast

Oct 25, 2021

Ever thought you might want to expand to a larger single location. In this episode, we talk with Colin Lathrop who did just that. He gives us some insight into the working and the how.

Oct 21, 2021

One of the hardest parts of implementation is the follow through. Today we discuss how to stay on top of your goals to make sure they get completed.

Oct 18, 2021

Is our ambition to save keeping us from enjoying life now? Do you ever wonder when it will be your turn to relax and live your best life? In this episode, Dr. Etch explores the idea of "dying with zero" and getting intentional about creating the experiences and memories that you should be.

Oct 11, 2021

If you are wondering why you and your team are frustrated with the practice, then this is the episode for you. Katherine Eitel Belt, a communication expert, explains how we can transform our culture and practices through a simple strategy.

Oct 7, 2021

With so much that can be done, how do we know what's most important when trying to grow our practice?