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The Dental Practice Heroes Podcast

Nov 30, 2017

In this Episode,  Carrie Webber, co-owner of Jameson Management, and Dr. Paul Etchison discuss the 6 steps to effective case presentation as well as the 4 reasons why patients say no and how to overcome them. ...

Nov 17, 2017

In this episode,  Dr. Karah Maloley and Dr. Paul Etchison discuss how to communicate like a leader with your team to get the systems, results, and practice culture that you deserve. 

Dr. Karah is the founder of ,  a online dental leadership course to give dental leaders the soft skills they need to...

Nov 17, 2017

In this inaugural episode,  Dr. Craig Spodak and Dr, Paul Etchison discuss how to effectively communicate and present Invisalign treatment to your patients.   Dr. Spodak explains that it is a team game,  and what strategies he uses in his practice in Del Ray Beach...