Jan 27, 2020
Are you ever envious of other dentist that seem to "Get it"? What is that secret sauce? Dr. Spodak shares his lessons about practice ownership, leadership, and the lessons he's learned over his career.
Bulletproof Dental Summit - http://www.bulletproofdentalpractice.com/summit-2020/
Jan 23, 2020
We all want a practice that works without us being present. Micromanaging is the fastest way to burnout, but we can't understand why micromanaging is necessary. In this episode, Dr. Etch and Dr. Bhullar give practical and actionable tips on how to stop the stress, and begin working towards a practice that gets it done,...
Jan 20, 2020
What is a Brand Book? Do you have one? YOU SHOULD! Your team cannot truly know their purpose unless you show them what it is? In this episode, Dr. Etch discussed his brand book and what is contained so that new employees get excited and informed about the culture before they start working in it.
If you would like a copy...
Jan 13, 2020
Sometimes to have that amazing practice we've always dreamed of, we need to put our energy in the correct place. Too often, we focus on products, techniques, and clinical courses, but we don't spend enough time communicating and working on our culture. In this episode, we explore how to get your culture right, and start...
Jan 9, 2020
When is the right time? Are you considering being an owner? Listen to this episode first! Dr. Etch and Dr. Bhullar discuss what to consider and when the best time to jump into ownership is.